Pablo Software Solutions
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No Your Competition
Michael Boone & Associates Newsletter 
No Your Competition     September, 2005


Can we agree that no-ing your competition means you are beating them - neutralizing them - putting them in second place, or below?

Okay. Now let's talk about knowing your competition, because that's what you must do if you're going to no them. If you're going to get an edge, you better know them almost as well as you know your own company.

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After you've carefully analyzed your competition, you may find that some of their strengths makes some of your company's features vulnerable, and, perhaps those features can be strengthened. Certainly if you find some of the features of your competitor's service are weak, that's a clue for your company to emphasize those features. Now, how do we do this?

Well obviously you don't want it to be known that your company knocks its competitors. No. You just want to quietly no your competition in a refined way. That means you will find ways to concentrate on elements of your service that can't be copied. Encourage your prospects to compare those features of your service that will make your service the premiere service in the area.