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Give Your Prospect A Reason To See You
Michael Boone & Associates Newsletter 
The "Ask for Action" Newsletter     June 15, 2005


Very often, as I travel around the country doing workshops, one of the first questions to surface is how can I get past the gatekeeper and what do I say to get the appointment???

•  Does your Prospect have a reason to see you?????

•  Does your Prospect have a reason to see you?????

So many times I have heard a salesperson on the phone calling for an appointment only to be rejected 90 to 95% of the time. That's a tough way to make a living!

What does the salesperson say that causes such a high rejection rate? Let's review what the salesperson may have done! Did he give the prospect a reason to interrupt his schedule - and give up his time to listen to what the salesperson had to say.

The prospect is usually thinking - what's in it for me? Would I rather spend my time on a credible deadline---or maybe I would rather just goof off than sit through a sales pitch that I have heard many times before. After all, I am a major buyer of staffing services. I've seen them all! They all say the say thing - they have discovered "the fountain of recruitment". They have the highest quality at the lowest price - and their employees ALWAYS show up every day, always on time. In addition, they've been in business for 25 years with 50 offices in one neighborhood for recruiting and they test, drug screen, background check and select those employees who are completely suited to my project.


Now, let's put ourselves in the shoes of the buyer. Let's think. If I were the prospect, would I really want to sit through another same ole - same ole. What's he going to tell me that his competitors haven't already.

If the prospect perceives no value in spending time with you, then your request will be denied - pure and simple.

Ask yourself. Did I give that prospect a "valid" reason to see me? If your call goes "Good morning Mr. Prospect. This is Mr. Salesperson. The reason I'm calling is that I would like to make an appointment to come out and talk to you about your staffing needs. Odds are, you will be denied.

I submit there are many things the prospect would rather talk about than "their staffing needs". It is your job as a salesperson to search out and make it a part of your inventory why that prospect would wish to spend time with you.

To the extent that you do that, you will increase your chances of getting that appointment!!!!!!!!

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